We are open to international exchange opportunities from around the world!

Are you interested in the Japanese language and culture learning? Please consider sharing exchange experiences with us. We welcome high schools from around the world which would like to build an exchange program with us. We also invite students to come from abroad to study in our school as well as encourage our Japanese students to partake in student exchange programs and study abroad.

Our school has the international course in which students learn in the curriculum focusing on English language learning and cross-cultural understanding. Currently we have a sister-friendship high school: Kitsilano high school in Vancouver, Canada, and also have monthly on-line meetings with Hyewon Girl’s High School in Seoul, Korea. Our school welcomes international exchange opportunities with high schools around the world.

We think it is extremely important for young students to engage in international exchange programs in order to encourage mutual understanding and friendship between Japan and other countries.

These are the examples of our exchange programs:

  • Long term exchange program: We exchange about 1-5 students between our school and our sister high school in Canada for 3 months. The number of students varies between years.
  • Short term exchange program: We visit each other’s schools and have language and cultural exchange opportunities. It consists of visiting schools and cultural sites for about 10 days.
  • On-line meetings: We have a monthly meeting with a Korean high school.

Contact us: Bihoku High School

If you are interested in our school and programs, please e-mail us.

  • E-mail:kdc-mas@bihoku-h.aichi-c.ed.jp
  • TEL: (81) 0587-56-3038  FAX: (81) 0587-53-0985
  • Adress: Kitayamacho-Nishi 4, Konan, Aichi, Japan, postal code 483-8157