International Course NEWs No. 38 “Students become the teachers!”

On February 9th (Friday), an event for our first-year students in International Course was held. This was their chance to be a teacher at Hotei Junior High School. In this lesson, first year Bihoku High School students, from International course served as the “teacher”, and taught six classes to first-year students at Hotei Junior High School.

Bihoku High School students have prepared classes so that the content would be fun for first-year middle school students to learn English. In class, they did four activities in English: ‘Introductory game’, ‘Memory game’, ‘Who am I? game’, and ‘20 questions’. They gave examples that were easy to understand, and they taught the class in English trying to give clear instructions. Everyone at Hotei Junior High School actively participated in the activities, had a lot of fun during the quizzes, and seemed to enjoy the English classes. The classroom was filled with laughter and smiles, and we all had a great time together.

Thank you to everyone at Hotei Junior High School for your cooperation in this event. We hope you enjoyed our lessons!