International Course NEWS No. 45 “JICA Chubu Nagoya Global Plaza Visit”

The second-year international course students visited JICA Chubu Nagoya Global Plaza. First, there was an explanation about JICA’s international cooperation activities and their objectives, and then they learned about SDGs while completing a walk rally activity. Next, they participated in a guided tour introducing the building‘s design environmentally friendly. The roof has a green carpet of grass and trees, which lowers the room temperature inside the building. In addition, drinks in vending machines are selected to be heathy, and a portion of all sales are donated as school lunches. Finally, we listened to a presentation by a JICA overseas cooperation volunteer, who worked on a mission to try to solve poverty issues in Paraguay and improve people’s lives. This story, of a volunteer who struggled to turn an idea into reality while tackling a difficult mission, was inspiring to the students, and provided an opportunity to think about the importance of international cooperation. Some students expressed that they would like to work for JICA in the future and everyone had an exciting, fulfilling time.